Termites - the world's fastest creatures

Blink and you'll miss this scene: a trivial termite Termes panamensis claps its jaws at a rate that passes through all the movement of mechanical energy on Earth.

While filming a 40,000-second set of jokes, Marc Seid and Jeremy Niven at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute in Panama showed that they reached a speed of 70.4 meters per second - albeit on a distance of just 1 , 76 millimeters.

When threatened by an aggressor, the two jaws are closed together by using four large bundles of muscles that fill half the space in the animal's head. The powerful emitting force hit the invader's face, helping to protect his nest in the cramped space of the cave.

Picture 1 of Termites - the world's fastest creatures
(Photo: Aplusexterminators)

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