The 'new raincoat' brings the feeling of 'direct' love

Scientists from Australia are designing new-generation condoms that give users the feeling of "direct" love.

New generation condoms

Researchers from the University of Wollongong (Austrailia) have designed a new generation of condoms using hydrogel material , a flexible and durable solid. This type of material has features such as human skin that make the user feel like having no condom.

Picture 1 of The 'new raincoat' brings the feeling of 'direct' love
Condoms use more durable hydrogel material and feel more real.

Australian scientists' research will start in 2013 with a grant of up to $ 100,000. "Raincoats" with breakthrough designs will include functions such as self-lubricating as well as significant changes in contraceptive capabilities in men.

"We think the new material will have the same characteristics as rubber with better feel, but we are not sure if they have the right characteristics to produce a condom ," he said. said Robert Gorkin, head of research. 'Initial tests have shown that the new material is durable and capable of preventing the transmission of small molecules.'

Hydrogel material was discovered decades ago, but it has only been noticed in recent years after it was used to produce prosthetics in medicine such as the eyes and blood vessels.

Dr. Robert Gorkin's team is currently working with Swinburne University of Technology in Melbourne to conduct a biometric test to measure the body's response to new material.

' We can observe brain activity to see if the hydrogel feels better than the plastic material,' ' Dr Gorkin said. " If they bring a lot of fun, many will use it and we can hopefully prevent the spread of infectious diseases."

Dr. Gorkin hopes to design new generation condoms that meet the social and cultural demands of contraception.