The 25-year-old girl never taught puberty

Despite being 25 years old, Kate Quinn, Ireland, still hasn't experienced puberty due to a rare illness.

At the age of 25, the girls have 'possessed' a well-developed body. But Kate Quinn's body is still just like a 12-year-old girl, with the first round not growing and not knowing her period. Kate's height also stopped at 144cm.

Picture 1 of The 25-year-old girl never taught puberty
Kate Quinn, 25-year-old girl who never knew puberty

'I don't even dare to buy underwear, because it doesn't fit even the smallest size. My condition started at about 14 years old and since then it still seems like there's no escape , 'Kate Quinn said.

Kate Quinn was diagnosed with Caudal Regression Syndrome (CRS) - the phenomenon of congenital spinal degeneration . This is a rare syndrome with an incidence of 1 / 25,000 people. To date, she is considered the only case in Ireland with CRS.

According to Kate Quinn, since about 20 years old, she often lived 'hidden' . Doctors have not found the cause of Quinn's disease. They treated her with hormonal injections during the past 7 years, but did not work.

Picture 2 of The 25-year-old girl never taught puberty

Kate Quinn now has to go into the hospital every day. This makes her unable to enter college or apply for a job.

Quinn shared on Irish Independent, she wished to be like other normal girls of her age.'I believe I cannot find love if I don't become an "authentic" woman.