The 3 biggest hypotheses about the death of the universe

The reason for the end of the universe is a topic that contains many mysteries without a final answer. With the existing astronomical theory, scientists give the three biggest ideas about destruction.

Here are the theories about the destruction of the universe:

1. Big tear (Big rip)

It is thought that the universe is expanding in all directions. This expansion happened despite gravity still trying to hold them back. This proves that there is another force that works outside the universe to absorb with very strong energy.

Scientists call it dark energy, invisible energy, constantly developing and pushing everything in the universe apart.

When dark energy grows fast and strong enough, it will tear up the first galactic structures, then black holes, planets and stars.

In particular, when the universe rapidly expanded at the speed of light, dark energy became much stronger than the gravitational force between atomic particles into a tight mass. The broken atomic structure turns into countless small particles.

At that time, the whole universe will become a gap, billions of individual particles, drifting indefinitely in endless space.

Picture 1 of The 3 biggest hypotheses about the death of the universe

2. The big case

This is the worst scenario that happens to our universe. The hypothesis suggests that if the theory of dark energy is wrong, gravity will become the most powerful force in the universe.

If that happens, after thousands of billions of years, the universe will begin to shrink. Galaxies will crash into each other and merge the universe into a mass. The universe officially collapsed on itself.

3. Heat death

The expansion will last until everything is spread evenly in the universe, which will make the object gain or lose energy. The gas clouds that form stars will dissipate, the black hole will evaporate and eventually even the light particles will subside. The universe will be extinguished forever.

This hypothesis is currently the most widely accepted within the scientific community. But the bottom line is that scientists still don't know for sure how the universe will "die". Therefore, in order to have the final result, more research on dark energy and how it works.