The atmosphere gradually disappears, the Earth will be as dry as Mars

The phenomenon of atmospheric evaporation into the universe can lead to the destruction of life, turning the Earth into a barren, deadly planet like Mars.

According to the Daily Mail, every minute, about 181kg of hydrogen gas and 3kg of helium gas escapes the Earth. This process is known as the phenomenon of atmospheric evaporation , which will one day lead to the destruction of life.

Picture 1 of The atmosphere gradually disappears, the Earth will be as dry as Mars
The atmosphere is evaporating from the Earth every minute.

Anjali Tripathi, an astrophysicist at Harvard University, recently warned of this frightening effect on the future of the Earth.

In the distant future, the Sun will become hotter and hotter, leading to a faster phenomenon of atmospheric evaporation from the Earth.

Picture 2 of The atmosphere gradually disappears, the Earth will be as dry as Mars
Anjali Tripathi, astrophysicist at Harvard University.

"What we can prepare, is the possibility that the Earth will be like Mars. Hydro separated from water will evaporate into the universe faster, leaving an arid planet with red," Tripathi said. "At least this is still quite far away, humanity still has time to prepare."

The atmosphere is an important factor in maintaining life, creating a light green belt when astronauts take pictures of the Earth from space. "The atmosphere protects the Earth from many negative impacts, like meteors."

"The concern is that this atmosphere is gradually disappearing over time , " Tripathi said.

Picture 3 of The atmosphere gradually disappears, the Earth will be as dry as Mars
Earth in the distant future can become as barren as Mars.

Researchers believe that Mars in the past also has a climate system similar to Earth, which forms the basis of life and development.

However, the process of losing Mars's atmosphere is very strong, hydrogen gas disappears in the universe and the remaining oxygen turns the planet red through oxidation to the metal on the ground.