The best lies for April Fool's Day

April Fool's Day, also known as a lie day, is a fun, engaging festival for mischievous and humorous people. April 1 is the day to be noticed in many countries, the day after the old custom, friends often play jokes. Some good and funny lies below are always used by people to tease friends and relatives to bring laughter after stressful working hours.

April Fools though not a formal holiday but are still held in many anniversary countries every year on April 1, by launching rumors or talking, joking about many other topics. each other to make fun or tease someone . Such false messages are often released throughout April 1 in most countries like the United States, France, Ireland, etc. while some other countries it must be ended at noon like England and Canada. , Australia, New Zealand.

1. Play with buttons and buttons

The lie for the April fishing day everyone used to joke with each other like 'What are you, I didn't pull the pants, oh, oh, oh, red briefs' . that many guys were startled. When it comes to this problem many guys look down and see the lock is still closed and many people know they are cheated.

Picture 1 of The best lies for April Fool's Day

The game threatens to forget the owner to close the shirt, the zipper, the pants . the old as the earth but solid is never outdated . What kind of victims took the bait, because no one dared to "recklessly" believe everyone's warning. Instead of trying to think of a joke, try using these simple jokes during the April Fool's Day watching. This is very normal so few people are prevented and do not dare because they are quite sensitive issues.

2. Bring sex to make fun of April Fool's Day

Daredevil boys try to confess to your girlfriend that you are Gay? See how she will react to knowing this truth.

Picture 2 of The best lies for April Fool's Day

3. Play with the camera

Every day the photo machine in your company has users. During the April Fool's Day you can make fun of people by posting a note on a copier that says: ' This copier can now be controlled by voice'.

4. Saying that cherished thing for a long time

During this April fishing day, you can tell the person you secretly remember this long sentence: " I love you" or vice versa, the 1/4 day is a great opportunity to express your affection for those Who is cherishing. Try doing this to see how your opponent will act!