The black hole tore apart the star

Like a careless prey wandering in the forest, the red giant star accidentally moved near a black hole and was torn apart.

>>>Huge black hole swallowing stars

With masses of millions to billions of solar times, super-massive black holes lurk in the center of galaxies like beasts and devour celestial bodies too close to them.

Picture 1 of The black hole tore apart the star
Illustration of a physical part of a red giant star
gravitating towards the black hole about 2.7 billion light-years from Earth.

When a giant red star approaches a black hole about 2.7 billion light-years from Earth, the gravitational attraction of a black hole causes the star to tear apart, the US Aerospace Agency (NASA) said. know.

"Part of the star's material is sucked into the black hole, while another part is blown into the surrounding space at tremendous speed. We are observing the light emitted from the material moving towards the black hole. " Suvi Gezari, an astronomer at Johns Hopkins University in the US, said.

Gezari and colleagues used telescopes on the earth and in the universe to search for the remnants of the bad star. Most remnants are helium gas.

The " black hole " of black holes helps scientists better understand the harsh environment around black holes and the types of stars that revolve around them.