Incidentally the star forms near a black hole

Thanks to a telescope in Chile, astronomers say they have detected traces of pictorial stars at the edge of a black hole in the center of the Milky Way.

Picture 1 of Incidentally the star forms near a black hole
Very voracious black hole, always swallowing everything around it - (Photo: Shutterstock)

Researchers from the Northwest University (USA) say, if the finding is recognized, it will be the first time that humans have found the case of star formation being observed so close to the galaxy center.

The 'giant monster' in the center of the Milky Way creates a chaotic space, completely unsuitable for any dust and gas cloud to survive.

"People think it is difficult for stars to form near a black hole ," quoted team leader Farhad Zadeh as saying.

'However, what we have discovered is that the pieces of gas and dust are becoming so dense that they are able to overcome the harsh environment around,' he said.

Astronomers use the Atacama Large Millimeter / submillimeter lens in Chile to determine the flow of matter emanating from the cloud of gas and dust, a sign that a young star is forming.