It seems that billionaire Bill Gates has never stopped thinking about great things and beyond human knowledge.

When flammable powdered material is dense in air exposed to heat, it will ignite at an extremely fast rate, releasing large amounts of heat.

In the future, Mars may become a copy of Saturn with the surrounding dust belt, formed from the debris of Phobos and Deimos.

A giant ice planet can form in the dust cloud around the star TW Hydrae, located 176 light-years from Earth.

Recently, ISS International Space Station is 15 years old. Experts say the station can still operate for a long time. If something threatens ISS, it is cosmic debris.

Thanks to a telescope in Chile, astronomers say they have detected traces of pictorial stars at the edge of a black hole in the center of the Milky Way.

A strange cloud on Mars that NASA's Curiosity captures while landing on the Red Planet has made the online community buzz. Is it a gloomy clod? Part of the robot? Something

Taurid meteor showers appear from late October to mid November. It is listed as a weak meteor shower due to low-frequency meteorites - an average of 7 tracks per hour. They move

The two giant spheres rushed at each other, causing a massive explosion and leaving a giant cloud of dust.

An Earth-like orbiting planet is forming in the dust cloud around the star TW Hydrae, 175 light-years away.