The brain works best at what time of day

Scientists discovered the ability of memory, alertness, concentration, and mental activities of humans to peak at the end of the morning.

Picture 1 of The brain works best at what time of day
The human brain works best at the end of the morning. (Photo: Medical Daily).

The moment when the brain is most active is not entirely dependent on the habit of staying up late or getting up early. Sharing with the Wall Street Journal, Professor Steve Kay from the University of Southern California said that body temperature increased from before getting up until midday; dragging memorization, alertness, concentration. For that reason, late in the morning is a great time to solve difficult problems, which require a lot of thought.

In terms of age, scientists have long believed that the brain is at its best in its 20s. However, a 2015 study showed that when brain activity peaked was relatively complex and different depending on the case. For example, the processing speed of some individuals is high in the years 18-19 years old and immediately goes down even though short-term memory continues to stabilize until 25 years old. Human emotional state is considered mature at about 40-50 years old and vocabulary must be 60-70 years old to complete.

Anyway, the ability to work during the day is still influenced by your biological clock. If you stay up late to get up late and still complete all tasks, you can continue to maintain this habit.