The first time sending signals from the human brain to the human brain

Brain researchers say for the first time in history a distant person can control other people's movements by a signal sent by thought.

>>>Control animals with thoughts

On August 12, Professor Rajesh Rao and Andrea Stocco of the University of Washington succeeded in experimenting to transmit signals from one human brain to another.

Picture 1 of The first time sending signals from the human brain to the human brain
Rao and Stocco are conducting experiments to transmit signals from the human brain to the human brain - (Photo: USA Today)

The experiment is described as follows: Rao saw a game of fireworks while carrying a hat reading the brain signal; By imagining flicking his right finger in the game, Rao caused real movement to Stocco, who wore a hat to receive signals at another lab, far away.

Scientists explain that Rao's thoughts are transferred to Stocco through the Internet and activate Stocco's movements. He said: "I feel involuntarily convulsive and follow the signal indicator."

The researchers received approval from the university's medical board before conducting the experiment. This is just a successful first step in the way the message moves from the human brain to the human brain, because it only works in one direction.

The success of this experiment plays a very important role in future human brain studies.