The burial chamber of the Mayan people was discovered

Archaeologists have found a deep hole buried with six skeleton remains in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. Experts said that this is a rite of burying the Mayan rainwater bridge, existed in the years 850- 1250 AD.

Picture 1 of The burial chamber of the Mayan people was discovered
In the burial ground, there is a human bone.

Burial pits are found with pearl beads, a knife, and stone tools are considered Mayan utensils. Among the six skeletons buried with these items are two children's skeletons. The whole is buried under a deep hole 21m from the ground.

Picture 2 of The burial chamber of the Mayan people was discovered

Scientists say these skeletons were buried in the dry season, when the water levels in the valleys dried up. According to archaeologist Guiller Anda, from Yucatan University (Mexico) this could be a ritual to bury people to pray the Mayan god of rain.

Picture 3 of The burial chamber of the Mayan people was discovered

In particular, these skeletons are arranged in the Mayan way, the body is close to the cliff, the device is horizontal compared to the body.

Picture 4 of The burial chamber of the Mayan people was discovered

There may still exist some skeletons deep in the ground, archaeologists are continuing to search.

Picture 5 of The burial chamber of the Mayan people was discovered