The Cassini spacecraft approaches the steam of Saturn's moon

The US Aeronautics Agency (NASA), on October 26, announced that Cassini spacecraft will make a flight through the steam stream erupted from an ocean beneath the moon's surface. Saturn , in the hope of finding evidence that life can exist.

The Cassini ship flew through the steam stream on the moon Enceladus

According to the announcement, the Cassini spacecraft will carry out the mission at 22 pm October 28 (Vietnam time) and will fly 48km away from Enceladus's southernmost surface. This trip will allow Cassini to obtain more accurate measurements of the composition of the steam flow as well as the latest information about the underground ocean on Enceladus.

Picture 1 of The Cassini spacecraft approaches the steam of Saturn's moon
A stream of steam is erupted from an ocean beneath the surface of Saturn's moon Enceladus.(Source: NASA).

Scientists also hope that Cassini's flight will help them identify complex types of organic molecules on Enceladus, but admits it is difficult to detect life that still exists.

Enceladus is a small moon of Saturn, with a diameter of nearly 500km. In 2005, the Cassini ship discovered that at the southern part of the crater called "tiger stripes" there was a wave of mineral salts.

Cassini also discovered organic molecules, probably from biological sources near 'tiger' . After years of observation, NASA earlier this year announced the discovery of an underground ocean under the thick layers of Saturn's moon.

According to scientists, the underground ocean could be a favorable place for life to grow under the right conditions.

In addition to Saturn's Enceladus, scientists have discovered oceans beneath Jupiter's Europa and Ganymede moon surfaces. Scientists also believe that there is Callisto on Jupiter's groundwater, further hoping to find places in the solar system suitable for survival.