The custom of cutting off the fingers to worship the husbands of Danai tribal women

One of the tribes that currently maintains the ancient, mystical and cynical tradition is the Danai tribe of New Guinea. Here women expressed their grief with their dead husband by cutting off their own fingers , the news website Ripleys on September 4 updated.

Picture 1 of The custom of cutting off the fingers to worship the husbands of Danai tribal women
Danai ethnic women.

The death of relatives, especially husbands, is the deepest loss for Danai women , New Guinea. They are not only mentally distressed but also physically suffering. According to Danai's custom, self-isolation of the widow woman after her husband's death was not enough, when her husband died, these women also had to go through a painful physical ritual by cutting off their own fingers. me

Cutting fingers is done with a sharp stone blade, made from kicked stone (obsidian) which is abundant in active volcanic regions. The woman chopped at least two of her fingers. This stone blade was found in 1930, the monument marked a ritual used by the Danai tribe long before.

Picture 2 of The custom of cutting off the fingers to worship the husbands of Danai tribal women
Stone blades used to cut Danai women's fingers.

When the ritual is performed, the list of women in turn chooses their own fingers. Those who are in turn will use the stone blade to chop off their fingers. The tight position is usually in the middle of the knuckles so that the healthy fingers form an onion shape. After tightening, there will be no fingerprints, the fingers will be numb, affecting the daily work. Many documents show that these fingers are dried on their necks or buried in a serious ritual.

According to the Danai beliefs, this rite is intended to show the grief of the wife to her dead husband, and to ward off evil, evil. According to Western anthropologists, this is a ritual to help women stay away from sadness and depression.

However, this fact is not always reserved for widows. Recently, Danai women discovered 6 fingers to remember their dead husband, and her children left her mother. Due to the self-destructing of knuckles when a husband or relative died thousands of years ago but still exists so people call the Danai tribe the stone-age inhabitants in the heart of the modern world.

Picture 3 of The custom of cutting off the fingers to worship the husbands of Danai tribal women
This Danai woman cut herself to six fingers to remember her dead husband and children.

New Guinea (old name Papua) is the second largest island in the world, after Greenland, an area of ​​786,000km² located in the southwestern Pacific, discovered by the Spanish explorer since the 16th century and now belongs to the territory Indonesia.