Why are women more sensitive than men?

Why are women more sensitive than men? The reason is explained by the fact that women have smaller and slender fingers than men, according to a recent study by McMaster University scientists in Ontario, Canada.

Picture 1 of Why are women more sensitive than men?

Women with small fingers often have more developed tactile nerves.

Scientists have found that women with smaller fingers often have more developed tactile nerves. This makes them more sensitive than men. This study also helps explain why women have a better sense of touch than men.

"Scientists in neurology have long known that a tactile nervous system develops differently in each person as well as in each gender, but scientists still cannot find the exact cause for the difference. "The results of our study show that the most important factor influences the difference in tactile organism ," said Dr. Daniel Goldreich, of McMaster University and research author. each is the size of the finger. '

To conduct this study, scientists measured the size of the index finger of 100 students. Later, these students will continue to be tested on the tactile organ sensitivity by a special device.

The results showed that people with small and slender index fingers had better sense of touch than those with larger index finger sizes. In addition, the results also show that women often have smaller index finger sizes than men and this makes women more sensitive than men.

The study was published in the American journal Neuroscience in December 2009.