Bitter women are prone to cancer

American research shows that women who are sensitive to bitter taste have a higher risk of cancer than those who eat.

Picture 1 of Bitter women are prone to cancer
Brussels sprouts have a bitter taste that is thought to have a protective effect on cancer.

According to People, this is the conclusion of the Agricultural Institute of the University of Pennsylvania. Earlier, the team led by Associate Professor Joshua Lambert looked at the diet, lifestyle habits and health status of 5,500 women. Over the past 20 years, the authors found that compared to those who easily eat bitter foods, women who cannot tolerate this taste have a 40 to 58% higher risk of cancer.

Explaining the phenomenon, the scientists believe that the main reason women are susceptible to bitter taste is prone to cancer stemming from diet and food quality . When not eating the bitter taste, their daily menu will lack the bitter vegetables which have the effect of preventing cancer , thus seriously affecting health.