The eye changes color after curing Ebola

Recently, a patient after being cured of Ebola had severe pain and color changes in his eyes.

A patient has a discoloration after being cured of Ebola

2014 could be considered a dark year for the world when the Ebola pandemic broke out here, robbing tens of thousands of people everywhere. Although so far, basic fluids have been extinguished, but recently experts have discovered some effects of this virus on patients who have been cured.

Accordingly, a patient, Dr. Croizier, 44, who had been infected with Ebola virus, was reported to have completely cured the disease in October 2014. Tests at the time showed that Croizier's blood was no longer the presence of this demon virus.

Picture 1 of The eye changes color after curing Ebola
Dr. Croizier - Ebola pandemic survivor

But less than two months later, Croizier had to return to the hospital with symptoms of blurred vision, severe headache and increased pressure on his left eye. After the test, the doctors saw that Crozier's eyes still contained the Ebola virus. More specifically, Croizier's left eye color has completely changed from blue to green.

Picture 2 of The eye changes color after curing Ebola
Croizier returned to the eye examination hospital

This case was published in the New York Times magazine immediately attracted the attention of the scientific world. Medical experts explain that some sensitive parts of the body such as eyes, testes, ovaries, eardrums . have their own immune systems . This system is worse and separates from the body's general immune system to make sure those parts are not quite destroyed. So after being cured, the virus stays hidden in these locations for up to 9 months.

Picture 3 of The eye changes color after curing Ebola
Croizier eye color first (left) and later (right) when infected with Ebola

Going back to Croizier's case, the doctors were surprised. Because normally, the eye color changes will be permanent but after using high-dose antibiotics, Croizier's eyes have returned to normal. According to Crozier's doctor, altered eye color may be related to the damage of pigment cells in the iris. However, he must admit that " during my 40 years of practice I have never seen such a strange reversal."

Picture 4 of The eye changes color after curing Ebola

Many experts say that the phenomenon of Croizier is not uncommon. In West Africa, medical reports say there are people with headaches, hearing loss, vision, menstrual slowdown and fatigue after overcoming this deadly disease . Probably, love This situation is similar in nature to what Croizier once faced.