The face of the aggressive beetles has a frightening appearance

Goliath beetles, rod beetles, giant beetles . are beetles with extremely scary shape .

The world of insects is extremely rich and unique. Besides the beetles with unique and lovely beauty, there are also many species with ugly, big to scary shapes. Besides, they also carry with them aggressive blood, ready to lift their opponents and "throw" on the ground.

Let's review a few species of bugs and scary aggression through the list of Cracked synthesis page below.

1. Hercules beetles

Athlete beetles (also known as Dynastes Hercules) are large beetles, found in Central and South America. In addition, they are also available in northern Mexico as well as in some Caribbean islands.

Picture 1 of The face of the aggressive beetles has a frightening appearance

They can reach very large lengths, up to 17cm (including horns). Most of the length of the athlete beetle is two horns in front of the body. Two long, curved, solid horns are a huge threat to the enemy.

Besides, they are especially famous for their power. Athlete beetles have the ability to carry something heavier . 850 times the body weight on the hard shell. Perhaps it was because of this that it was named Hercules.

Picture 2 of The face of the aggressive beetles has a frightening appearance

They often live at night but sometimes work during the day, especially when looking for a mate. Hercules beetles often mate during the rainy season, at which point the males become extremely aggressive.

In some species of beetles, males often fight each other, who win the right to mate with females. When fighting, they use their horns to lift their opponents and knock them to the ground.

2. Goliath beetle

The Goliath beetle has a scientific name, Goliathus giganteus . They are an insect belonging to the Beetle family (Scarabaeidae), originating from African rainforests.

Picture 3 of The face of the aggressive beetles has a frightening appearance

Their names are named after the giant Goliath in the Bible. This may stem from the fact that they are considered the largest insects in the world, both in size and weight.

Goliath beetles have a body length of 5 - 11cm, weighing up to 85 - 100gr. Covering their whole body is a sturdy armor, combining dark brown or black with white patterns.

Picture 4 of The face of the aggressive beetles has a frightening appearance

The male beetle has a large horn on its head that is used as a weapon when fighting, while the female has a V-shaped section to assist in burrowing when laying eggs.

3. Rods

Like the name, rod beetles are shaped like small branches, it is one of the most ingenious camouflage creatures that exists on the planet. Rods often mimic the color of the surroundings - blue and brown.

Picture 5 of The face of the aggressive beetles has a frightening appearance

Sometimes they also "transform" into stripes and vibrant colors. They may also have wings, nodules or spines on the body. At present, there are about 3,000 species of rod insects in the world, some with wings, nodules and spines on the body and can fly.

Like a giant stick, this stick rod is up to 16.3cm long and if stretched out its whole leg, this number will increase to 29.5cm.

Picture 6 of The face of the aggressive beetles has a frightening appearance

Found in the tropics and subtropics, rodents often reside in forests and grasslands, mostly eating leaves. They live at night, are less active during the day, hiding under trees. Rods often fake dead to deceive the enemy. Sometimes they lose their legs to escape death or attack the enemy with thorny legs.

4. Giant footbills

Picture 7 of The face of the aggressive beetles has a frightening appearance

The giant foot leg looked like an enlarged insect, but in fact, this animal belonged to the crustacean family (the head blended with shrimp and crab). This bizarre creature has the scientific name Bathynomus giganteus , which can be found in deep waters from 200 to 2,000 meters in the Atlantic Ocean. The giant foot leg is nearly 40cm long and weighs 1.5kg.

Picture 8 of The face of the aggressive beetles has a frightening appearance

The characteristic feature of this bug is that they have light reflecting eyes. They tend to search the seabed, waiting for the rest of the other predator's meal to fall. When in danger, they use defensive techniques curled up like a ball to protect their bodies.