The mysteries of Argentinian ants are aggressive

The native ants in the US are struggling hard against the strong invasion of aggressive and inverse Argentine ants. The dangerous invasion of this ant has so far not been able to stop it.

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Argentinian ants ( Linepithema humile ) are very small (adults are about 2-3 mm in size) but are extremely harmful. Like many other ants, they like to eat sweetened insect repellent such as aphid phylloxera (Dactylosphaera vitifoliae) - one of the least damaging but one summer can also destroy a vineyard.

Picture 1 of The mysteries of Argentinian ants are aggressive
Argentine ants feed on harmful insects to get food.

It is worth mentioning that not only eating insects but also that these ants protect harmful insects from their other enemies, taking care of them so they feel the best for them to proliferate more for ants. Argentina gets food.

Argentine ants live in a very large community of up to billions of individuals. In the United States, it was discovered that an Argentine ant colony was so large that it stretched 900 km along the California coast.

This is a combination of thousands of other teams linked together. Therefore, it is hard to imagine how many giant insects such as phylloxera have been fed to provide enough food for them.

Picture 2 of The mysteries of Argentinian ants are aggressive
Despite their small size, they are an extremely aggressive and aggressive species.

The threat of Argentine ants became particularly serious in the late 19th century when ants only lived in the wild fields and these subtropical forests of South America began to journey to conquer the world.

At first, people only saw them in Central America. But then the south of the United States and from there moved to both Europe and East Asia.

Argentinian ants can spread all over the world because they have two different characteristics from other subtropical ants. First, they can survive the cold winter in deep underground caves. Second, they are also extremely aggressive and powerful.

Common ants live together peacefully. Even when looking for food they try to make friends. But the Argentine ant is a very obstinate species. Where they go will constantly attack the native ants there.

They destroy the nests of native ants, "expel" or kill ants that live in that nest. Each of these raids, Argentina raises tens of thousands of strong and aggressive ants.

Therefore, every step of the Argentine ant will cause the native ants to step back, except for the ant ants (Prenolepis imparis).