The feeling of being pushed down from above when sleeping and the solution makes you

You must have experienced the feeling of sleeping, startled to wake up because the dream fell from above. Why is that?

Being over-stressed, saying dreams, sleepwalking, snoring . is probably the most common sleep phenomenon you've ever experienced or heard.

But have you ever found yourself falling or thrown from above in a dream? If you've ever experienced it, you'll remember how real it feels, enough to startle you immediately.

Why is there this phenomenon?

According to scientists, the icon dreamed that he fell , and then fell down to this name known as "dream convulsions".

Picture 1 of The feeling of being pushed down from above when sleeping and the solution makes you
This phenomenon appears in most people.

This phenomenon occurs in most people, including healthy people and good sleep.

When you have a seizure when you dream, you will feel like you have fallen from the sky, stepped short or stumbled from a cliff. Falling in a dream makes your heart rate increase, breathing faster, sweating and causing a shocking feeling - startling you awake.

Picture 2 of The feeling of being pushed down from above when sleeping and the solution makes you
Whether you dream of falling, is a way to check whether you are alive or not.

The question is why do we dream of falling? The scientific world is still not sure about the correct answer.

But many scientists think that this phenomenon occurs when you are tired, sleepless, or stressed.

When sleeping, heart rate, breathing rate is slower, muscles are relaxed, the brain is almost in a "dead" state. The fact that you dream of falling, is a way to check if you are alive and wake up the muscles that make your body wake up.

Picture 3 of The feeling of being pushed down from above when sleeping and the solution makes you
When falling in a dream will startle you awake.

However, there are many other opinions that, when you fall asleep, the brain also follows the sleep cycle quickly.

But it may not be possible to catch up at this time, causing sudden asynchronous muscle contractions, creating a feeling of imbalance, thereby stimulating the hallucination to fall .