The fetus was discovered in a 4-year-old boy's abdomen

The doctor in India was shocked after discovering that the fetus died in the belly of a 4-year-old boy.

Detecting dead fetuses stored in boys' abdomen

The 4-year-old boy complained of abdominal pain and went to a hospital in Midnapore district, West Bengal state, India. Initially, the boy was diagnosed with a tumor in the abdomen by doctors. But after an ultrasound and CT scan, they found a dead fetus .

Picture 1 of The fetus was discovered in a 4-year-old boy's abdomen
The fetus was discovered in a 4-year-old boy's belly in India.

Dr. Shirshendu Giri and the servants then performed the surgery to remove the dead fetus from the baby's abdomen. Currently, his health is gradually recovering, but still needs to be monitored to prevent possible complications.

'The fetus died in the boy's abdomen with hands, feet, nails and head formed in part', Dr Shirshendu Giri said.

According to experts, this is a 'fetal pregnancy' phenomenon , which occurs when a normal fetus is enclosed in another fetus in the mother's womb. In the early twins, a fetus can enter the remaining fetus through the umbilical cord.

In 2009, doctors in China surgically removed the fetus from Kang Mengru's abdomen when she was 1 year old. The parents of the girl discovered that their baby belly started bulging about a few months after birth. The superstitious neighbors then called the girl 'monster'.