The first opportunity to admire the super black hole

A black hole's 'shape' can be recorded for the first time by gathering more than 50 radio telescopes on earth.

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This project, called Event Horizon Telescope, to capture the giant black hole in the center of the galaxy, will be met by scientists on January 18. This supermassive black hole has 4 million times the mass of the sun but is too far for astronomers to look at from the earth.

Picture 1 of The first opportunity to admire the super black hole
Black holes are still the biggest mystery in the universe.

The idea of ​​black holes was first raised in Einstein's general theory of relativity and was confirmed through decades of observing and measuring the universe. However, until now, it was still impossible to see directly the black hole because the gravity around the objects was so great that light could not escape.

Dimitrios Psaltis, a professor of astrophysics at the University of Arizona Steward Observatory, said, "No one has ever been able to capture a black hole. But we are about to do that."

Professor Doeleman, the head of the project, explains: "When dust and gas circle around the black hole before being swept inside, they are compressed and friction makes the material turn into a plasma of temperature. up to billions or more, creating light, the form of radiant energy that we can see from the earth. "

According to Dailymail , by taking photos of the light of materials circling the black hole before being sucked in, scientists can see the shape of the black hole.

The project team is connecting 50 radio telescopes scattered around the world. According to Professor Psaltis: "In essence, we are building a telescope with a large glass plate like the earth. Each telescope can be seen as a small part of a large glass."

Each year the project will add telescopes to increase visibility."We will be able to really see what is happening close to the horizon of the black hole, where there is the strongest gravitational field in the universe. No one has checked Einstein's general theory of relativity in autoclave. such strong lead ".

Black holes are still the biggest mystery in the universe. Our galaxy cluster is thought to have about 25 small black holes with a mass of 5 to 10 solar masses.