Super black hole massacred stars in the universe

The black superholes cracked stars with 100 times the frequency of the researchers' previous view.

British scientists in the new study, published in the journal Nature, report that stars are attracted to the black hole (TDE), which is much larger than the old view, said Knowridge on August 14.

Massive black superholes often appear at the center of the galaxy.(Video: YouTube).

Previous astronomers believed that the TDE event occurred at a frequency once every 10,000-100,000 years in a galaxy due to the discovery of this phenomenon only after surveys of thousands of galaxies. However, the new study recorded TDE in the survey sample of only 15 galaxies.

"All of these 15 galaxies are colliding with nearby galaxies , " said James Mullaney, co-author of the study, an astronomer at the University of Sheffield, UK. "The frequency of TDE occurrence increased dramatically when galaxies collided, possibly due to collisions that caused a number of stars to form near black holes in the galaxy's center."

According to this study, TDE will become popular with humans when the Milky Way merges with the Andromeda galaxy after about 5 billion years."By sight we will see brighter light than all the stars and other planets in the night sky emanating from the center of the Milky Way at the time of the merger," said Clive Tadhunter, lead astrophysics professor. research, said.

Picture 1 of Super black hole massacred stars in the universe
The frequency of TDE increases dramatically when galaxies collide.

The detection of black superholes lurking in the center of large galaxies is difficult to achieve due to their excessive force, making light impossible to overcome. However, when approaching the black hole will release energy to produce strong light, centered on a bright galaxy with billions of stars of a common galaxy pooled.