The girl smells ... dead fish

Camille is beautiful and very smart. She was a model for Phi Beta Kappa, and holds a master's degree. Only thing, the girl . stinking like dead fish.

Every time Mrs. Camille stepped on the podium, he said, the students below raised their voices in protest: 'My dear, foul, foul-smelling fish dead'. Indeed, the smell was hard to smell from Camille's body, as she herself admitted, "strong, aching to the extent that it could fill the entire room's space."

For the past three decades, Camille has applied unspecified treatment methods, but the result is still zero.

Picture 1 of The girl smells ... dead fish

Camille Girl (Photo: ABCNews)

Camille's body began to smell when she started schooling. 'The teacher asked me if I worked hard to take a bath everyday, then they stuffed me into the last corner of the classroom. The children assign all kinds of nicknames to me, they say my smell is a mixture between horse manure and dead fish '. What a humiliating childhood.

Growing up and going to work, Camille was no less miserable by the banter and discrimination. The first day he went to work, the director drenched the perfume with Camille, then arranged for the girl to be dumbfounded by humiliating in a separate area to avoid "polluting the environment."

What makes Camille even more desperate and deadlocked is that she could not find the cause of the smell , thus, could not find a way to control it. She had knocked the door of the clinic to another hospital, but even the top doctors had to give up. Camille had considered suicide, until the day groping on the Internet and suddenly discovered TMAU - a foul-smelling fish disease 'and also the name of an organization that specializes in helping people with this disease.

The head of this organization is Sandy - who has spent $ 27,000 for '8 unsecured operations, and ultimately has not made any progress . ' Thanks to the instructions, Camille finally went to Dr. Dr. George Preti in Philadelphia, the only specialist in the world who knows about TMAU.

According to Dr. Preti's explanation, some dysfunctional enzymes in the body are the source of TMA compound - the main catalyst of the terrible odor.'Odor emanates from the lungs, seeping from sweat, from the armpit and other body parts' . There are about 600 people in the world today.

Surprisingly, the diet greatly affects the amount of odor produced . Foods like eggs, meat, beans, milk, cheese, bread, fish . are taboo food of TMAU patients.

The case of Camille was listed by Dr. Preti as a rather rare form: unusually high TMA concentration.

Currently Camille's diet is strictly controlled, while drinking chlorophyll every day. She also had to bathe and use a much stronger deodorant than before.

Hai Minh