Mysteriously 20 tons of dead fish on the Norwegian coast

The cause of 20 tons of dead fish seems to be unknown to scientists and residents living near the coast of Kvennes in Nordreisa, northern Norway.

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Picture 1 of Mysteriously 20 tons of dead fish on the Norwegian coast
20 tons of dead fish carcasses drifted to the coast in Norway for unknown reasons.

According to maritime scientists, it is possible that fish die in large numbers due to causes such as being trapped in the middle of tides, or trapped in shallow water or by certain diseases.

Researchers are now trying to find out the cause of mass deaths as well as clearing the coast, where 20 tons of fish drifted ashore.

Earlier, in March 2011, millions of dead fish were washed into a harbor in California (USA) due to lack of oxygen, in May 2010, about 500 tons of white dead fish in Lake Taal, south of Manila ( Philippines, due to the sudden drop in temperature due to the effects of climate change.