Locals and tourists found the dead stingrays of July 16 on Chachalacas beach in the city of Ursulo Galvan in Mexico's Veracruz state.
The cause of 20 tons of dead fish seems to be unknown to scientists and residents living near the coast of Kvennes in Nordreisa, northern Norway.
More than 60 pepper whales have died in a major stranding on a remote New Zealand beach.
The rise in river water temperature due to the heat caused many cold-water freshwater fish to die on the Rhine in Switzerland.
Houston Chronicile electronic newspaper released on August 12 said hundreds of thousands of dead fish were washed off the Gulf of Mexico coast in the state of Houston in the United
If unfortunately eating seafood contaminated by red tide, people who are poisoned can suffer from paralysis, diarrhea, memory loss and even death.