The hat can expose all your secrets

US scientists have created a "miracle hat" that can read all the minds of its people, including the most secretive secrets, translated into English and displayed in text.

According to the authors from the University of California, the text of this machine prints up to 90% accuracy. Its mission is to capture the nerve signals in your brain and convert them into language.

Picture 1 of The hat can expose all your secrets
A volunteer is experimenting with a conical hat - (photo: SHUTTERSTOCK).

The scientists said that when a thought formed in you, it would exist in the form of an unspoken sentence. This hat will analyze the combination of vowels and consonants created in that statement. The results of the analysis are translated into ordinary language. Then, just one screen and your most secret secrets will be exposed in the form of text.

Currently, the team is working on ways to improve the accuracy of the recorded text. David Moses, head of the research group, told The Sun that the device could provide the basis for speech replacement devices.

Picture 2 of The hat can expose all your secrets
All your thoughts and secrets will be displayed on the screen as text - (photo: SHUTTERSTOCK).

Specifically, it can help patients who can not speak and write, such as people with paralysis, loss of voice after a stroke. In addition, this can be a very effective anti-lying machine in criminal science.

However, many of these concerns may be a dangerous device. If a bad guy has it in hand, many important secrets and damage to many people can be exposed.

The work has just been published in the Journal of Neural Engineering.