The HPV vaccine can prevent cancer of the neck and head

Canadian scientists have published a new study that suggests HPV vaccine (prevention of cervical cancer) may prevent cancer in the neck and some other cancers for both men and women.

Picture 1 of The HPV vaccine can prevent cancer of the neck and head

Dr Glenn Bauman, head of the cancer department at the University of Western Ontario, said recent studies have found that HPV is linked to head, neck and genital cancers, so vaccination is needed. Adolescent HPV can prevent these types of cancer.

Statistics from McGill University, Canada show that more than half of people who start having sex with a second person or more, infected with HPV and 44% of these people are infected with HPV that can cause cancer.

HPV infection is the most dangerous factor causing throat cancers, which increases the risk of cancer by 32 times compared to people without HPV.

In the last few years, many studies by scientists around the world have demonstrated that HPV is associated with 10-20% of cancers of the neck and head, possibly even the cause of a type Skin cancer is quite common.

HPV vaccine is now widely available in Canada for girls about 17 years old to fight breast cancer risk.

After scientific studies confirmed that the vaccine could prevent many other cancers, more and more young men could use it.