The longest cat in the world died

The cat was recognized as the world's longest Guinness Book of Records, 1.23m long, just died in the United States.

Robin Hendrickson, owner of the Stewie cat, in Reno, Nevada, said he died on the evening of February 4 after a period of battling cancer.

Picture 1 of The longest cat in the world died
The cat Stewie and the owner Robin Hendrickson

Stewie, the famous Maine Coon, is 1.23m long from the nose to the tail. It was recorded in the Guinness Book of Records in 2010 as the world's longest domestic cat.

'Stewie is always approachable and likes to meet people,' said Mrs. Hendrickson.

The cat Stewie also holds the record for the longest tail cat in the world.

It is unclear which cat will "take the throne" of Stewie in the Guinness book. Stewie's 'predecessor' , the 1.21m cat named Leo in Chicago (USA), died a few years earlier.