The machine reads human dreams

US scientists have developed a 'dream reader'. Use this machine to read the human dreams, bringing the details of the dream in the human brain displayed on a large screen.

>>> There will be a 'read' dream machine

Picture 1 of The machine reads human dreams
Volunteers are in the process of experimenting

Many of us can not remember all the dreams after waking up, besides there are also many who can not remember any dream content, so the US scientists have developed a ' read dream '.

According to the report, this technique was used to detect and reconstruct a person's face that appears in the human brain. In the future, this same technique could also help researchers recreate human memory, imagination or images that appear in dreams, and may even help the police investigate the Information on crimes through witness memoranda.

During the experiment, researchers recorded 300 different face images from six volunteers. At the same time use MRI scans to record their brain activity. The researchers then reconstructed the faces in the minds of the volunteers.