The magic magician catches the bullet flying by mouth

The performance was extremely dangerous, causing the American magician to be slightly injured in the oral cavity.

David Blaine is an American magic magician, 43 years old and famous worldwide for his incredible performances. Recently, in the "More than magic" program of ABC radio, Blaine showed the process of catching a bullet flying by mouth . An audience confessed to fainting when witnessing this extremely dangerous display.

Picture 1 of The magic magician catches the bullet flying by mouth
David Blaine caught the bullets flying by his mouth.

In the clip, Blaine stood in front of a rifle, holding the cord connected to the trigger. He sucked an iron cup in his mouth and would catch the bullet fired from the rifle. Blaine uses a special built-in guard to avoid damaging the oral cavity.

Next, Blaine pulled the rope, yanked the trigger and the gun fired into his mouth. The moment he caught the slow-rewinding bullet, many people actually stood by. It was a miracle that Blaine survived and was not seriously injured after the extraordinary performance. He just hit the throat with a piece of iron.

One person asked after the performance: "Is Blaine a human? Is it too extraordinary?" Another audience member said that the magician used to raise a frog in his stomach and release it by mouth. He claimed that Blaine was not an ordinary person.

Blaine confirmed that in the next show, he will show the screen of the bullet that was flying. In 2009, Blaine successfully tested the bullets when buddy Bill Kalush was the one who fired.

Picture 2 of The magic magician catches the bullet flying by mouth
David jerked the rope to shoot bullets into his mouth.

Blaine said: "When the bullet touched the steel cup, my ears shook and I felt a tremor in my throat. I felt like the bullet had pierced my head and I was dead." The doctor later confirmed that Blaine was only torn to the throat.

Previously, the magician David Blaine used to show many other unbelievable performances such as bathing himself in ice for a few dozen hours, standing on a 30-meter high tower for 24 hours or holding his breath for 30 minutes. He is a magician who has the most popular TV shows in the United States.