Science overcomes the most used tricks in magic

Each magic item is a process that affects the brain, the perception of the audience, bringing about extremely interesting experiences.

The magician always makes us feel their repertoire is so light and easy. But in fact, like ballet, behind every item is a very elaborate staging process that no one can recognize.

However, "magic" is ultimately "tricks" to deceive human consciousness. And now, two neuroscientists Susana Martinez-Conde and Stephen Macknik of New York University (USA) have turned away the way magicians act on our brains.

Art of distraction

One of the most important abilities in magic is the ability to attract attention - also known as misdirection.

Picture 1 of Science overcomes the most used tricks in magic
The most important ability in magic is the ability to attract attention.

This is a concept that is easily misunderstood. Audiences often believe that magicians distract them with a special gesture, but this is not true. Instead, they are distracted by magic effects, and here the viewer 's brain is "a powerful assistant" for the magician.

Why? Our brain is influenced by the so-called spotlight of attention . In it, we will often draw attention to something more prominent. But at the same time the brain also automatically "inhibits" other things by comparing it with its surroundings.

This means magicians just need to direct the audience's attention to a certain spot on the stage, and the brain will automatically do everything else.

Picture 2 of Science overcomes the most used tricks in magic
Magic tricks make the coin disappear: the magician must hold the coin with his thumb.The audience sees a coin in the right hand, thereby forming a signal in the brain.After that, the left hand approached and pretended to have taken the coin - the act of diversion.

And how do they do that? Susana reveals one of the most effective methods is to change the audience's vision, and they have a lot of ways to control the eye. For example, ask the question: "What card is this?" , or "how much does this coin produce year?", combined with body language.

In particular, magicians also take advantage of what is called the crowd effect . For example, when you see a crowd looking up at the sky, people will be unable to resist the desire to follow.

Picture 3 of Science overcomes the most used tricks in magic
The left hand now pretended to have taken the coin, and they all believed it, because this action stimulated the brain to pay more attention to the left hand.In fact, the coin is still in the right hand.

Picture 4 of Science overcomes the most used tricks in magic
At the same time, the brain inhibits images of the right hand.Therefore, the attention given to the right hand is neglected, and as a result, no one recognizes the trick they use.

Picture 5 of Science overcomes the most used tricks in magic
Can you recognize it?

Distract by requests

If you simply change your gaze, look, the magician will be caught quickly. However, it is not the only way to get rid of the audience, but instead "break down their attention" with small requests.

In this way, viewers will automatically pay attention to where the magician wants, because at this time the brain is forced to perform many tasks at the same time, thereby reducing its effectiveness.

Take the example of the relatively classic "shadow and cup" magic below.

Picture 6 of Science overcomes the most used tricks in magic
The magic screen consists of 3 balls and 3 cups upside down.The ball was placed on top of the cup, and somehow "ran" inside without anyone understanding why.

This performance divided the victim 's attention into three parts, making it difficult for them to recognize the trick.

Picture 7 of Science overcomes the most used tricks in magic
And this is the secret: the 4th ball inside the cup in the middle.

Taking advantage of emotions

Emotional factor is one of the tricks of the magician. Emotions and attention are not intertwined, so if emotions increase, attention will decrease. This is also the reason why testimony of witnesses is often evaluated as "less reliable" and needs to be investigated thoroughly.

Some magicians take advantage of fear, because this is when the memory of humans is the worst. For example, from the "sawing people" repertoire that used to storm the world.

However, the most hit feelings are humor . Johnny Thompson - the famous magician said, when the audience laughs time like stopping, their attention also decreases.