Oren Hasson, a biologist on evolutionary theory, presents evidence that tears have emotional benefits and are capable of making interpersonal relationships durable. more stable
Singers and guitarists are really more sensitive than us.
If you always feel pessimistic, maybe your father and mother are the cause because they have passed on a gene that determines this.
Anyone who has been angry at some point in life and some of us - mostly men - has turned that anger into violence.
Japanese scientists have just found the brain region to control jealousy and they are stunned to find that it is the area to handle pain.
Finnish scientists have found a reason why some people become aggressive when drinking a lot of alcohol, while many others just quietly go to sleep.
New research from Heriot Watt University in Edinburgh (UK) shows that watching many romantic love movies will negatively affect love.
In the experiment was invited to drink 2 jars of beer, one had to add vinegar, those who knew in advance were wincing with vinegar beer, but whoever did not know would claim it
Scientists found that the actual fear response is to respond to biological function by transforming the way our senses perceive the world.
Research by scientists at the University of Bristol (UK) shows that dogs also have optimistic or pessimistic characteristics like humans.