'The man with the iron mask' - the mystery of mankind over the past 350 years

Who is that mysterious iron mask man - is the question that scientists have been searching for years.

Through the history of more than three centuries, the story of "The Man Behind the Iron" has become the focus of many historians, literary and world film makers. .

In it, it's impossible not to mention the movie "Man in the iron mask" based on the fictional novel of the same name by writer Alexandre Dumas with the presence of veteran actor Leonardo DiCaprio.

Picture 1 of 'The man with the iron mask' - the mystery of mankind over the past 350 years
The story of "The Man Behind the Iron Face" has become the focus of many historians' attention.

Many people affirm: "The iron masker" is a "flesh- and- blood" man rather than a fantasy-based and fictional character.

However, who the mysterious man really is - is still a big mystery.

According to records, the iron masked man was a prisoner named Eustache Dauger arrested in 1669 and imprisoned at the Bastille. Later, he was transferred to several other prisons in France for more than three decades until his death in 1703.

Picture 2 of 'The man with the iron mask' - the mystery of mankind over the past 350 years
According to records, the iron masked man was a prisoner named Eustache Dauger.

Voltaire - a prisoner imprisoned at Bastille Prison in 1717 revealed that the mysterious man had been wearing an iron mask since 1661 and he was the brother of King Louis XIV.

In his novel, author Alexandre Dumas also thinks that "Iron Masker" is the twin brother of King Louis XIV.

Thus, Eustache Dauger could very well be a masker, and historians, including history professor Paul Sonnino from the University of California, Santa Barbara, have been searching for it.

Picture 3 of 'The man with the iron mask' - the mystery of mankind over the past 350 years
The iron masked man could be the brother of King Louis XIV.

However, from Paul's point of view, this person only wears a mask from time to time and this mask is made of velvet, not iron. That man may be a servant, but the reason why he was imprisoned in prison is still unknown.

In the book "The Search for the Man in the Iron Mask" , Paul commented that Eustache Dauger was a servant of Cardinal Mazarin. During his career, Cardinal Mazarin has accumulated an "enormous" fortune.

Picture 4 of 'The man with the iron mask' - the mystery of mankind over the past 350 years
That man may be a servant, but the reason why he was imprisoned in prison is still unknown.

Professor Sonnino said: "What I can determine is that Mr. Mazarin has been deceived of some of his huge assets from the previous king and the queen of England . Dauger was misunderstood and suffered. vain.

The mysterious man was informed when he was arrested that if he revealed his identity to anyone, he would be instantly killed. "

Who is the iron masked man in the end, and why must he suffer from such a terrible punishment perhaps still an open mystery of history.