The Ministry of Health guides valuable remedies in traditional Vietnamese medicine to help prevent and treat Covid-19 disease

With the complicated movements of the Covid-19 epidemic with a constantly increasing number of new cases in Vietnam, the Ministry of Health has introduced traditional medicine prescriptions to prevent and support treatment.

Traditional remedies to help prevent and treat corona virus

  1. Covid-19 according to Traditional Medicine
  2. Treating the disease with traditional medicine
    1. Onset phase:
    2. Phase full play
    3. Recovery phase
    4. Stage of reinfection

Covid-19 according to Traditional Medicine

In order to strengthen the prevention and control of acute respiratory tract infections caused by SARS-Cov-2 with drugs and traditional medicine methods, the Ministry of Health has issued Dispatch 306 / BYT-YDCT providing detailed guidance on prescriptions. Help prevent and treat Covid-19 disease.

Covid-19 disease according to traditional medicine is "Review" of the doctrine of "Review of pathology" and has the name "Feeling sick".

Disease-sensitive illnesses are common names of psychotic diseases with the following characteristics: Onset with fever, heat-related illness, a process of regularity, often acute, rapid-progressing, often severe illness . The disease is usually contagious quickly and when it becomes an epidemic it is called "Pandemic".

Causes of the disease due to winter cold sores infection are not enough to cause the disease to become swamp (winter-spring typhoid fever and rice blast disease) when spring comes, there are favorable factors to develop the epidemic.

The evil gas follows the defenses or into the mouth, the pharynx into the lungs. Depending on the temperament of each person or a combination of additional causes such as heat, low temperature, phlegm, etc., the time of onset, many forms of disease and the severity of the disease are clinically severe.

Picture 1 of The Ministry of Health guides valuable remedies in traditional Vietnamese medicine to help prevent and treat Covid-19 disease
Applying the strengths of Traditional Medicine in the treatment of Covid-19 disease.(artwork).

Treating the disease with traditional medicine

Depending on the pathological condition and disease evolution according to traditional medicine divided into 3 stages. Each stage of traditional medicine has a different treatment approach and is applied in hospitals that have good manpower, equipment and facilities.

Onset phase:

This is a disease in the early stages of welding and invading the epidermis and defenses.

  1. Symptoms : A fever, fear of cold wind, sneezing, stuffy nose, not much thirst, less productive cough, or difficult sputum, edema pulse.
  2. French treatment : Heat style clear, pronounced only concept.
  3. Oral medication : Use one of the following remedies:

Lesson 1: Finance overseas remittance (review conditions)

  1. Overseas: 8-12g
  2. Sand wings: 6- 12g
  3. Diep architecture: 6 - 8g
  4. Marjoram wisdom: 4 - 6g
  5. Soy bean protein: 8 - 12g
  6. Death burdock: 8 - 12g
  7. Honeysuckle Flowers: 8 - 12g
  8. Spearmint: 8-12g
  9. Licorice: 2-4g
  10. Gia Xuyen center: 12g
  11. Golden flower stick: 12g

All of the preparation on the ladder, day 1 ladder, drink equally divided 3 times, after eating. Uses, serene detoxification, positive gas promotion.

Lesson 2. The overseas national treasury decreased

  1. Honeysuckle Flowers: 12g
  2. Overseas: 8g
  3. Hoang Lien: 8g
  4. Sand wings: 12g
  5. Mint (fresh): 12g
  6. Diep bamboo shoots (fresh): 12g
  7. Licorice: 6g
  8. Burdock: 2g
  9. Biological location: 16g
  10. Packaging: 12g
  11. Dai thanh Diep: 6g
  12. Black Ginseng: 6g
  13. Basic version: 6g
  14. Gia Xuyen center: 12 g
  15. Stick of yellow flowers: 12 g

All of the preparation on the ladder, day 1 ladder, drink at warm divided equally 3 times after eating. Uses, serene detoxification, positive gas promotion.

In case of patients with gastrointestinal disorders: White agarwood 16g, patchouli 4-6g, if there is a family of coughing of Kinmen 12-16g, Octopus 6-8g, Bare derma 6-8g, Half sale 8-12g.

Lesson 3. Ginseng bowl canopies (Local monk)

  1. Ginseng Party: 30g
  2. Diep bowl: 30g
  3. Cat cu: 30g
  4. Money: 30g
  5. Reduced sales: 30g
  6. White spirit: 30g
  7. Bare packaging: 20g
  8. Licorice: 20g
  9. Sand wings: 20g
  10. Body only (Star bran): 20g
  11. Rustic incense: 20g

The taste on the powder or use in powder form. Uses, welding room, declared defenses.

Dosage and administration:

  1. Powder: Each drink 8 - 12g of powder, powder mixed in 200ml of water, Khuong 6g, Great apple 4g ​​(boil for about 15-20 minutes to cool down at 70-80 ° C), day 3 times.
  2. Medication: The dose of herbs is reduced by half compared to the dosage of medicinal herbs in powder form. Sac drink on a ladder, drink warm after eating.

Lesson 4. Ginseng defeated poisonous (Minor pediatric pharmaceutical evidence directly)

  1. Sai Gon: 6-12g
  2. Easter spirit: 6 - 12g
  3. Ginseng Party: 6-12g
  4. Money: 6-12g
  5. Sand wings: 4-12g
  6. Trans-frame: 4 - 8g
  7. Only body: 4-6g
  8. Activity: 4 - 6g
  9. Active: 4-8g
  10. Licorice: 2 - 4g
  11. Gia Sinh khương 4g, Mint 4g

Medicines excellent sharp, drink 1 day a month, drink at warm divided equally 3 times after eating. Utility gas explained, concealed, low deducted.

Lesson 5. Almond bowl canopy (Review of remedies)

  1. Almonds: 8 - 12g
  2. Reduced sales: 6-12g
  3. White spirit: 12 - 16g
  4. Only body: 6 - 8g
  5. To Diep: 6-8g
  6. Money: 8 - 12g
  7. Sand wings: 8 - 12g
  8. Kumquat: 4-8g
  9. Licorice: 4g
  10. Great apple: 4g
  11. Born Jiang: 2g

Method of preparation: Ladder drug. Uses: Dispersing welding style, disseminating talks. Usage: Sac 1 day, warm drink divided equally 3 times after eating.

Phase full play

In this stage, the disease may manifest in airspace or nutrition. The heat enters different places so different clinical symptoms appear.

  1. Diseases expressed in the gas : The disease can manifest mainly heat in the waste, can combine in taste and university.
  2. Symptoms: fever, malaise, bothersomeness, insecurity, yellowish cough, difficulty coughing. Asthma, coughing up blood, red urine, red tongue, dry or viscous moss, active circuits.
  3. French treatment: Propaganda, heat, and asthma.

Exercise 1: Ma Hanh jelly orange thang (Typhoid)

  1. Ephesus: 8 - 12g
  2. Licorice: 2-4g
  3. Almonds: 6-12g
  4. Gypsum: 8- 12g

Can replace the Empress by Bhikkhu Ba Diep 12g, Sand wings 12g, can add Radial Contact (Herba Andrographitis) 12g.

  1. Method of preparation : Lute decoction, Gypsum crushed, wrapped in gauze cloth, put in a sharp pot, boil for 30 minutes, let the remaining colors continue for 45 minutes. Uses: Propaganda, heat, air relief, asthma.
  2. Usage : Excellent drink on 1-2 months, warm medicine divided into 3 divided doses before eating.

In case the patient has more manifestations of high fever, high thirst, vascular malice, dried yellow tongue moss, . enhance the new heat, use 30-40g gypsum, add Tri 12g sample and Barbarians 16 g.

In case of patient's manifestation, Apples hold applesauce constipation to add more convenient leap apples or combine the article Article of excess gas (Typhoid).

Article excess gas ladder (Typhoid discussion)

  1. Rhubarb: 8 - 16g
  2. Licorice: 4-8g
  3. Pepper consumption: 8-16g

Preparation : Ladder decoction, for Rhubarb and Licorice in warm colors. Take the digestive mix with water of the two herbs, drink. Uses: Laxative, cholera fire

Usage : Sac Uong 1 day ladder, drink at warm divided equally 3 times after eating.

In case the patient has symptoms of dysentery many times, burning anus, corpses, thirsty mouth, yellow moss, use a combination of sandy poultry continuously.

Bai Cat terraced houses

  1. Cat cu: 16g
  2. Licorice: 6g
  3. Hoang Cam: 10g
  4. Hoang Lien: 10g
  5. Can be added Radial contact: 12 g

Method of preparation: Ladder drug. Uses: Heat bar, except low. Usage: Excellent drink on 1-2 months, drink at warm divided equally 3 times after eating.

The disease manifests itself in the nutrition

  1. If the disease is severe, the temperature of the gonorrhea (internal heat damage) manifests as: high fever, dysphagia, or slurred speech, dry mouth, shortness of breath, scarlet tongue, active vascular depression, seborrhea or edema Great.
  2. Treatment: Nutrition bar.

Medication: Medication Thanh dinh thang

  1. Ox Ox (Buffalo Horn Powder): 40g
  2. Black Ginseng: 8-16g
  3. Honeysuckle Flowers: 12-20g
  4. Hoang Lien: 4-8g
  5. Eastern subjects: 8-16g
  6. Biological location: 20 - 40g
  7. Diep structure protein: 4-8g
  8. Overseas: 8 - 20g
  9. Knitting ginseng: 8 - 20 g

Method of preparation: Ladder drug. Uses: Stick nutrition heat, balm sound active blood. Usage: Sac 1 day, warm drink divided equally 3 times after eating.

Critically ill case: The person has shortness of breath, fast breathing movements or needs ventilation support, semi-coma, depression, cold-sweating, dark tongue, thick moss or apple, edema idiopathic. Refer patients to modern medical hospitals or infectious disease treatment facilities as prescribed.

Recovery phase

After the onset of the episode, there may be different symptoms and different treatments.

  1. In case of manifesting symptoms of damaged spleen : Shortness of breath , fatigue, poor appetite, nausea, bloating, helpless bowel movements, loose stools, pale tongue, dirty white moss. French treatment: Sue benefits

Taking medicine: Bao nguyen thang medicine

  1. Licorice injection: 40g
  2. Ginseng Party: 80g
  3. Born Jiang: 4g
  4. Hoang Ky sting: 12g
  5. Cinnamon sticks: 2g

Method of preparation: Ladder drug. Uses: Complementary oxygen. How to use: Sac 1 day, drink at warm divided equally 3 times after eating.

In the case of patients with manifestations of biphasic qi: Shortness of breath, fatigue, poor appetite, dry mouth and thirst, restlessness, sweating, dry cough with less phlegm, dry tongue with less fluid, vascular or helpless , .

  1. French treatment: Complementary oxygen
  2. Using medicine: Use one of the following remedies:

Lesson 1: The 10 Great Compulsions (Local Venerable)

  1. Dong quai: 12g
  2. Cross frame: 8g
  3. White dahlia: 12g
  4. Field: 12g
  5. Ginseng: 12g
  6. White Bach: 12g
  7. Easter spirit: 12g
  8. Licorice: 4g
  9. Hoang Ky sting: 12g
  10. Cinnamon sticks: 4g
  11. Can remove Nhuc cinnamon, Gia Tri model 12g.

Method of preparation: Ladder drug. Uses: Useful for blood. Usage: Excellent drink on 1 ladder divided equally 3 times.

Lesson 2: Canopy circuit

  1. Ginseng or Ginseng Party: 12g
  2. Gut: 12g
  3. Schisandra: 8g

Method of preparation: Ladder drug. Uses: benefit air freshly, moisturizing new students. Usage: Excellent drink on 1 ladder divided equally 3 times. Drink warm after eating.

Lesson 3: Ginseng balm the glory

  1. Crude ginseng: 6g
  2. Hoang Ky sting: 10g
  3. Great apple: 12g
  4. Field: 12g
  5. White Bach: 12g
  6. Cinnamon sticks: 4g
  7. Born Jiang: 4g
  8. Dong quai: 12g
  9. White dahlia: 12g
  10. White spirit: 12g
  11. Cross frame: 8g
  12. Schisandra: 8g
  13. Licorice: 4g
  14. Perspective: 6g
  15. Bare packaging: 8g

Method of preparation: Ladder drug. Uses: Good blood, nourishing glory. Usage: Excellent drink on 1 ladder divided equally 3 times. Drink warm after eating.

In case of long-lasting disease with negative heart and heart, low blood pressure, use one of the following remedies:

Lesson 1: The continental Continent is completely moist

  1. Birthstone: 15g
  2. Son enemy: 8g
  3. Hoai Son: 8g
  4. Easter spirit: 8g
  5. Description: 6g
  6. Packaging: 10g
  7. Ginseng: 10g
  8. Gut: 10g
  9. Schisandra: 8g

Method of preparation: Ladder drug. Uses: From the kidney waste, useful air conspiracy. How to stop: excellent drink on a ladder divided equally 3 times.

Lesson 2: Nursing sound waste

  1. Biological location: 12 - 20g
  2. Black Ginseng: 8- 16g
  3. Sprocket: 8- 12g
  4. Circulatory circuit: 8-16g
  5. Packaging: 8- 16g
  6. Cross-pattern: 8- 12g
  7. Mint: 6 - 8g
  8. Licorice: 6 - 8g
  9. Can add to the Ginseng medicine.

Method of preparation: Ladder drug.

Uses: Nursing sound waste, blood detoxification. Usage: Excellent drink on a ladder, drink at warm divided equally 3 times after eating.

Stage of reinfection

Treatment such as infection, depending on the pathological condition of the patient according to traditional medicine, the physician has the appropriate treatment, traditional medicine and appropriate treatment.

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