Obese children are the most difficult to treat

For a long time, it was said that obesity only came from the lack of information, so it was only necessary to be provided with some knowledge of health care that can prevent and treat the disease itself.

This concept is completely wrong. In fact, doctors admit that obesity in children is one of the most difficult to treat. Drug therapy is also not a long-term measure, as soon as the patient stops taking the medication, the patient continues to gain weight.

Obese children are quite common phenomenon in today's society. Obesity in children has many causes, but mainly due to diet, lifestyle, inappropriate lifestyle . and can lead to many diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnea. , even reduce life expectancy .

St. Louis-Whasinhton University School of Medicine has conducted a study involving people with this disease who believe that obese teenagers need a really more aggressive treatment than just listening to them. lecture on theory.

Picture 1 of Obese children are the most difficult to treat 'Providing them with health knowledge is necessary, however, it is not effective to apply this method only,' said Dr. Denise Wilfley, psychologist at St. Louis Hospital. .

Denise Wilfley and his colleagues studied a total of 527 obese teenagers. These patients were divided into 4 groups and treated in 4 different ways:

1. Only listen to theoretical lessons,
2. Only diet,
3. Only exercise,
4. Apply a treatment program that incorporates all three measures.

After a while, the team found significant differences between treatment groups. Adolescents with active treatment programs (averaging 18 articles) have reduced 8-9% of their weight, and have a tendency to change their nutritional and living habits in a beneficial way.

While the remaining treatment groups did not work, some even gained weight.

Therefore, the research team advised that, in addition to the theory of health theory, schools and families should consult with doctors, thereby applying useful nutrition and activity programs for students. and their children participate regularly, because it is the most effective method to prevent and reduce obesity in children.

Thuan An