The moon is getting smaller

The global process is compressed into the Earth's natural satellite, which has just been published in the Science journal Science .

For a long time, telescopes observers of the moon have found that along the equator of the satellite formed a fold rising from the surface, with a height of 10 meters, lasting several kilometers. . Currently, such formations appear in other regions of the Moon. This process leads to fractures, not only on the regional scale but on the Moon as a whole.

Picture 1 of The moon is getting smaller
Our moon is getting smaller.

Тhomas Watters, an astronomer working at the Earth and Moon Research Center of the National Space Museum in Washington, explains: Since the formation, the Moon began to freeze, so the process Shrinking continues to happen.

Its consequence is that the Moon is reduced in size, the surface area must be reduced accordingly, cracks and fractures appear. This situation reinforces the hypothesis of the origin of topographic changes in recent times.

Watters astronomers conclude: 'This proves that the Moon is still an active object'.

According to astronomers, based on the size of the fractures, it is possible to calculate that the diameter of the Moon only decreased by 100 meters. They also assured everyone that the Moon's contraction did not pose any threat to our planet and never our dear satellite disappeared.