The moon of the earth is very rare in the universe.

A recent study by American astronomers shows that the moon (like the moon of the earth) was formed after the catastrophic collision, which is extremely rare in the universe.

This moon was created when a Mars-sized object had stabbed into the Earth billions of years ago. The collision caused the debris to fly into the orbit and a few pieces gradually stabilized orbit and formed our moon.

The Journal of Astrophysics has written that only 5-10% of the planetary system in the universe has a moon formed this way.

"When a moon is formed from a very strong collision, its dust splashes everywhere," said Nadya Gorlova, lead author of the article at the University of Florida in Gainesville, USA . If more moons are formed, then surely we will see dust around the stars. But in reality, we can't see anything. '

Space war

Picture 1 of The moon of the earth is very rare in the universe.

Only 5 to 10% of planetary systems have moons like the earth.(Photo: BBC, NASA)

Using NASA's Spitzer space telescope, Dr. Gorlova and colleagues searched for dust signs of similar collisions of nearly 400 stars aged 30 million years. This is the approximate age of the sun when our moon is formed from a collision.

The planets are formed from a dense area of ​​debris flying around a young star . Gradually these fragments became larger objects from collisions that created a lot of dust around it. Astronomers believe this process lasts 10 to 50 million years after a star is formed. It is easy to find dust clouds swirling around stars at the beginning of this process.

But by the time the earth's left side was formed and our sun was 30 million years old, the process of forming planets in our solar system must have entered the final stages of formation.

In a recent study, Dr. Gorlova's team focused on finding heat signals of stars using infrared rays. This method allows the team to calculate the amount of heat produced by a star itself and the amount of heat emitted from the dust surrounding it.

Dr Gorlova said: 'We have detected about 2 to 4 dust objects, but only one fully converges to the properties of a moon collision. The temperature of the dust and its distance is ideal '

Rare event.

Picture 2 of The moon of the earth is very rare in the universe.

Touching between rocky objects is the main factor to form planets.(Photo: BBC, NASA)

After calculating the amount of time the dust flew around the star and the age of such collisions occurred, the team calculated that our moon-like moons were only formed from 5 to 10%. in planetary systems in dance.

George Rieke, co-author of the article at the University of Arizona in Tucson, said: "We are not sure that the collision we observed around a boiling spot is exactly how the moon was formed. . So the probability of creating a moon may be lower than our calculations. '

However, Scott J Kenyon of Harvard University's Center for Astrophysics Research and an expert in the study of stars and planets and planets in the universe is very careful in making your conclusions. He said: 'What we see in all of our findings is that the number of visible fragments does not match the theory. We saw the debris but did not move in the way we waited. We will find more fragments in younger stars. But at least for the planets of the earth we find many bodies around older stars. '

Dr. Kenyon cited a study conducted by Joseph Rhee, of the University of California in Los Angeles and his colleagues in discovering two stars aged 100 to 400 million years. These two stars also have many hot dust objects flying around it.

Uyen Nhi