The violent evolution of the Moon

The US Space Agency (NASA) has created a video that simulates the Moon's violent evolutionary history in the past 4.5 billion years.

>>>Video: The formation of the Moon

The video, made by NASA on the 1,000th anniversary of the exploration of Lunar Reconnaisssance Orbiter (LRO) into the Moon's orbit, helps us understand why the planet's surface is gray and dull like it is today. .

Picture 1 of The violent evolution of the Moon
The formation of the moon

"From year to year, the Moon does not seem to change. The pits and other geological structures seem to be permanent , " NASA said. "But the Moon is not always like that. Thanks to the LRO probe, we have a clearer view of the evolutionary history of the Moon."

The moon is thought to have formed since a Mars-sized planet hit our Earth 4.5 billion years ago, creating billions of tons of hot matter in the universe and forming the Moon orbit around Earth.

Since then, the surface of the Moon has often been bombarded by meteors, creating large and small holes on its surface. In NASA's simulated video, we can see meteorites flying very fast and causing a wide range of effects on the Moon's surface.

NASA's LRO probe was launched into the Moon's orbit on June 18, 2009, with the mission of collecting the Moon's environmental data to help astronauts prepare these satellite exploration missions during the long time.

Earlier this year, NASA also launched two Grail probes to fulfill the mission of mapping the "inside" of the Moon by measuring its gravity.