Shock Detected on the Dark Side of the Moon: Structure Identical to Earth!
On the far side of the Moon, where we can't see it from Earth, a 50km-diameter structure could overturn everything we think about this celestial body.
According to Sci-News, it's a granite system , something that has never been found on any other celestial body in the Solar System, except Earth.
The structure, discovered in an area dubbed the Compron-Belkovich Volcanic Complex , likely formed from the cooling of molten lava that fueled one or more volcanic eruptions 3.5 billion years ago.
Anomalous features have just been discovered on the Moon through remote sensing data - (Photo: NATURE).
NASA's Apollo mission previously found a few grains of granite , which are believed to have originated from Earth. The most solid hypothesis about the origin of the Moon is that a Mars-sized planet crashed into the early Earth, and some fragments of both formed this satellite.
But new findings suggest the Moon must have its own granite.
"Normally, granite requires plate tectonics or water-bearing magma to form. Although the interior of the Moon contains small amounts of water, it has never undergone plate tectonics. Therefore, the discovery of this granite complex indicates that some poorly understood processes are responsible for its formation," said Professor Timothy Gloch from Stony Brook University (USA).
Meanwhile, his colleague Dr Matthew Siegler from the Planetary Science Institute said any large granite block on Earth was once a source of energy for a series of major volcanoes.
The geographic extent of this structure suggests that many similar ones could form on the Moon, suggesting that the geological activity of this celestial body is more mysterious than we thought and has many cycles that are surprisingly similar to Earth's.
The discovery, published in the journal Nature, promises to provide a major step forward in understanding the truth about Earth's mysterious satellite, which some previous studies have even suspected may have once supported life. Geological activity is one of the factors that contribute to making a celestial body habitable.
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