The mystery of the dark side of the Moon

Scientists believe they discovered the mystery of the Moon's dark side formation after it collided with another moon about three times smaller.

>>> Earth used to have 2 moons

Experts say, about 4.4 billion years ago, Earth had two moons orbiting its orbit, but one of them was sucked into the remaining moon when they collided in no time.

This explains why the dark side of the Moon has a thick and rugged crust, while its bright face is flat. This finding also points to the lunar-side cause of Earth, which is rich in minerals such as potassium and phosphorus and the other side is the opposite.

Picture 1 of The mystery of the dark side of the Moon
The dark side (left) and the bright side of the Moon. Photo: Telegraph

The head of the research team, PhD. Martin Jutzi, of the University of Bern (Switzerland), said it is possible that both moons are created at the same time, when the object is about the size of Mars hitting the Earth and shattering.

A computer model showed after about 50 million years, the smaller moon merged into our Moon today.

Because the collision speed is quite slow, when the process occurs, the small moon's debris is sucked into the dark side of the Big Moon, forming a mountainous terrain that is not a large concave like a collision between 2 objects in space.

"Most small moon debris falls to the surface of the big moon, but the speed is slow because the Moon's gravity is not so strong, a very small part is ejected, probably still in pulse trajectory. around the Moon, 'added Dr. Martin Jutzi.

In 2010, Professor Francis Nimmo, University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC) hypothesized that tidal phenomena are responsible for forming rough terrain on the far hemisphere of the Moon.

'In fact, right from the beginning of the era of aerospace research, the difference between the light and the dark side of the moon has been a very difficult question to answer, perhaps second only to the question of the origin of the Moon '.