Extremely rare wolf moon appears all over the world

Super moon appears on the first day of the new year is said to be the largest and brightest super moon in 2018.

The full moon day early 2018 coincides with the time when the super moon phenomenon takes place, when the Moon moves to the closest point to Earth in orbit.

According to the Daily Mail, the last super moon of 2017 and the first of 2018 appear 30% brighter and 14% larger than usual. The distance from the Moon to Earth falls more than 3.5 million kilometers.

This super moon is also called the wolf wolf by Native Americans because it is the time when hungry wolves howl over their camp.

The next super moon is expected to happen on January 31. The third super moon in the series of 3 super moon, super moon on January 31 is predicted to be the most remarkable phenomenon in all 3 times.

Picture 1 of Extremely rare wolf moon appears all over the world
Super moon peaks on the night of January 1, the morning of January 2, 2018 is considered the big and brightest moon of the year.

Picture 2 of Extremely rare wolf moon appears all over the world
Super moon appears in Pieta, Malta on January 1, 2018.

Picture 3 of Extremely rare wolf moon appears all over the world
Super moon appears at St Paul's Church, England.

Picture 4 of Extremely rare wolf moon appears all over the world
Super moon appears above Blackhouse Woods, Berkshire.

Picture 5 of Extremely rare wolf moon appears all over the world
The phenomenon is also known as "Wolf Moon" because it is said to be the time when the wolf came out of the cave howling.

Picture 6 of Extremely rare wolf moon appears all over the world
This is the second super moon in the series of 3 super moon.

Picture 7 of Extremely rare wolf moon appears all over the world
The next super moon will occur on January 31, 2018.