rare astronomical phenomenon

In 2017 there is only one super moon, but by 2018 there will be 2 super moons. In fact, the next two full moons appear in January 2018 - will be super moon.

On the evening of October 8, Vietnam will have the opportunity to observe the total lunar eclipse for the second time of the year. This phenomenon also happened when the moon was

Astrological photographers from around the world have captured some amazing images of two planets - Venus and Jupiter - before dawn on Monday, August 18.

According to researchers' calculations, it must be 35 years before we see the full moon phenomenon on Friday 13th.

If you stand in Australia or Indonesia today, you will see the sun is like a fat banana because the eclipse is extremely rare, only occurs on average 73 years.

New York City (USA) people are the luckiest people on the planet when they witness the rare astronomical phenomenon: an asteroid overwhelms the brightest star in the night sky.

On the night of December 14, the morning of December 14, astronomers in Vietnam will have the opportunity to watch the meteor shower of the Gem - considered the king of meteor

Due to the influence of cold air, cloudy sky, the Northern region will have less chance to observe the Geminids meteor shower, while in the South it is possible.

An astronomer recorded a detailed image of a rare astronomical phenomenon, in which the moon appears to be 'devouring' Jupiter, the solar system's largest planet.

Leonids meteor shower, one of the remarkable astronomical phenomena of the year, will be seen in Vietnam this weekend.