Rare astronomical phenomenon: Asteroids overwhelm the star

New York City (USA) people are the luckiest people on the planet when they witness the rare astronomical phenomenon: an asteroid overwhelms the brightest star in the night sky.

Picture 1 of Rare astronomical phenomenon: Asteroids overwhelm the star
Asteroid 163 Erigone drowned out the light of Regulus in the Lion constellation - (Photo: NASA)

The asteroid 163 Erigone, about the size of America's Rhode Island (73km across), comes from the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter orbits, which will overshadow the brightest starlight. Regulus belongs to the constellation Lion.

The process of "stealing the light" kept for about 14 seconds, taking place at 2 hours 6 minutes on March 20 (ie 13 hours 6 minutes on March 20, Vietnam time).

According to Space.com, about 20 million people (northeastern America and eastern Canada) are among the lucky ones who can witness this phenomenon directly with the naked eye.