One of the most fascinating astronomical phenomena in history will be extinct

The reason for that extinction astronomical phenomenon will surely surprise you.

The phenomenon we want to mention here is the total solar eclipse (total solar eclipses).

For those who do not know, solar eclipses - also known as "Sun Moon" - occur when the Earth, Moon and Sun form a straight line. In the ancient past, solar eclipses were considered bad signs. But as science grows, it is simply an extremely interesting and rare astronomical phenomenon.

Picture 1 of One of the most fascinating astronomical phenomena in history will be extinct
Solar eclipse - also known as "Moon eating the Sun".

So why is this phenomenon going to be extinct?

It all began in 1695, when scientist Edmond Halley realized that solar eclipse cases recorded in history did not match the calculation at that time.

Specifically, Halley observed the motion of the Moon and the Sun, then used Newton's law of gravitation to calculate and compare the actual total solar eclipse with the time they should have occurred. . And the results, calculations with reality do not match.

At that time, Halley came up with a surprising conclusion: the speed of rotation of the Earth slowed down over time.

Picture 2 of One of the most fascinating astronomical phenomena in history will be extinct
Earth's rotation speed slows down.

As the Earth slows down, the Moon's momentum of momentum must increase to preserve momentum for the whole system. This increase inadvertently caused the Moon to gradually move away, and slowed down a bit.

If it had been 2,000 years before, Earth had turned faster, the Moon had a near orbit and higher speeds, Halley's calculations would match. And of course, science soon realized Halley was right.

The reason why the Earth slows down is because of the gravitational pull from the Moon - which causes the tide on Earth. The tide withdraws and surges, which causes the Earth's rotation to slow down, pushing the Moon away. According to calculations, each year the Moon "far away" Earth is about 3.8cm.

Picture 3 of One of the most fascinating astronomical phenomena in history will be extinct
The moon is farther away, the solar eclipse is also rare.

The moon is farther away, ie the moon's ring will be smaller. At that time, the total solar eclipse will become more and more rare, while the frequency of annular eclipse is growing.

When the average distance between the Moon and Earth increases by 23,410km, it will become too small to cover the entire Sun. Meanwhile, the total solar eclipse will be officially extinct.

However, this process needs about . 620 million years to complete. So from then until then, you and your future descendants still have a lot of opportunities to see that interesting astronomical phenomenon.

  1. Learn about the phenomenon of eclipse and eclipse