The most accurate digital map of the Earth

The attractive field survey satellite of Europe GOCE has just completed a measurement map using the most accurate gravitational field method on Earth, bringing great benefits to geology and oceanography.

Most people often think that Earth is a relatively flat and round globe. However, the material on the surface of the earth is not evenly distributed, and the waters always move along the wind and follow the movement of the Earth's crust.

Picture 1 of The most accurate digital map of the Earth
Essentially Earth looks just like a labyrinth of clay toys of children. Photo: NatGeo .

Michael Watkins, a geologist at NASA's California Jet Reaction Center, said the huge benefit of this new gravitational field map is to provide the most accurate picture of Earth, helping scientists and geologists to easily shape the real surface material and analyze the Earth's internal structure in detail.

Professor at the University of Colorado Wahr said: 'When the surface of the ocean can be accurately measured (radar measurement of satellites), and it is possible to recognize the difference between the surface of the Earth and the surface. in fact of the earth, we can calculate the direction and intensity of ocean currents '.

For example, by studying the globe, we can anticipate catastrophes such as the earthquake in Japan last due to the creation and shifting process of Earth's crust, Mr. Watkins said.

The European Space Center launched the GOCE satellite in March 2009 and conducted measurements of the Earth by force fields using radar waves, building a data bank for this digital map from there.