The most brilliant volcanic eruption in the solar system

The Gemini Observatory in America discovered volcanoes erupting on a satellite of Jupiter and this may be the most prominent volcanic eruption in Solar System.

Picture 1 of The most brilliant volcanic eruption in the solar system
The volcanic landscape erupts on Jupiter's Io satellite from August 29 to September 10.(Photo: Daily Mail)

A huge volcano on the southern hemisphere of Jupiter's Io satellite erupted several times in August 2013. Gemini Observatory on the Hawaiian Islands, the United States discovered the eruption and mass shooting of images with cameras capable of collecting near-infrared light. Recently, new media have the opportunity to access those spectacular photos, Science Daily reported.

Magma eruption with temperatures greater than all volcanoes on earth, can help scientists better understand the early period of planets like Earth.

Picture 2 of The most brilliant volcanic eruption in the solar system
A photo of the eruption volcano on Io on August 29.(Photo: Daily Mail)

An eruption caused lava to cover an area of ​​about 130km 2 and a thickness of about 10m. In another eruption, lava covered the area of ​​310 km 2 .

Experts say the Io eruptions are at least 10,000 times more powerful than the Eyjafjallajokull volcano in Iceland in 2010. The energy they generate is up to 20 terawatts and the volume of lava they have pushed out up to several kilometers 3 .