The most diligent animals on the planet

Do you work 8 hours a day and constantly complain that you are exhausted from work? You may feel a little embarrassed if you compare your workload to the work listed below by the Discovery animals that still work every day to 'make a living'.

Ants - hardworking workers

Picture 1 of The most diligent animals on the planet

Ants are closely organized animals and clear division of labor. Each member of an ant colony will hold a separate responsibility. Princess ants have only one task to reproduce, while male ants only take care of ' cooperating ' with the queen in increasing the population of the herd. However, unlike queen ants with a life expectancy of 15-20 years, male ants will die after mating. The other members of an ant colony will be responsible for maintaining the whole group's activities smoothly. Worker ants are responsible for caring for and feeding ant larvae as well as taking care of cleaning the ants and digging new tunnels. The sword is in charge of finding and bringing food to the nest. In addition, there are ants in charge of protecting the security area around the nest, ants taking care of detective . The ant colonies have become an indispensable part of an ecosystem. They help clean up the corpses of other creatures, moreover, the fact that they dig underground tunnels makes the soil more airy.

Beaver - skilled mason

Picture 2 of The most diligent animals on the planet

Beavers are skilled and diligent construction engineers. They often build dams on rivers or streams to create water ponds. Construction begins in the late summer and takes place throughout the fall to nest up for the winter. They use long and pointed teeth to cut down trees and then continue to disintegrate the stalks into many small pieces so that they can easily bring them to the place where they need to build their nests. They will stack these trees on each other until a dam is created. But their work did not stop there, then they had to dig a cave as shelter and store food for the long winter. Although the construction of beavers causes many environmental problems because these dams block the natural flow of rivers and streams, their work is also beneficial for some other animals. often drink water on the ponds they created.

Female lions - handsome hunters

Picture 3 of The most diligent animals on the planet

In the animal kingdom, female lions are typical for the ' pillar woman in the family' pattern. They not only bring food to their families but also take care of their children and take care of other mothers in the herd. While male lions are considered a symbol of strength and pride, having the task of protecting families from other predators, the female lion takes on the difficult hunt. Since there is no clumsy mane and makes it easy to detect prey, the female lion can silently monitor her prey before attacking without being detected. These desert queens often hunt at night, and they express strongly the so-called " feminist " when the children work together to ambush and kill their prey.

African jackals - butchers

Picture 4 of The most diligent animals on the planet

The butchers on these African deserts have an important role in the ecosystem because they help eliminate sick or injured animals, help maintain balance and improve the species they hunt. . When hunting, they always work in groups; Some will move forward to approach the prey while the others support the rear. When the others are tired, the others will take over. Thanks to teamwork, they rarely leave prey. According to observations by experts at the San Diego Zoo, the success rate in hunting of this species is between 70 and 90%, while lions have only 30-40%.

The bowerbird bird - the interior is refined

Picture 5 of The most diligent animals on the planet

The male birds of this species are talented interior designers. They not only build nests but also put a lot of effort to decorate the nest to attract the attention of the girls. When designing furniture, they will arrange pebbles, shells, colorful petals or other miscellaneous things that they earn to decorate the very eye-catching nest. According to a recent study, scientists also claim that the birds are not the beautiful nest decorations but their design and decorations also make the nest and the multi-talented guy look bigger than with real size. Because the school's competition in this species is quite fierce, one girl has several guys to pursue, so it is not to blame these guys to make use of all the ' moves ' to get the ' beauty '.

Wrasse fish - cosmetic doctor

Picture 6 of The most diligent animals on the planet

Many species of coral reefs are very grateful for this diligent fish because they bring a cleaner life to them. With a small body of only 5-7cm, this fish spends the day cleaning the parasites and dead scales for the fish that live around it. It worked very conscientiously and carefully, meticulously cleaning fins, tails and even teeth. Many of their customers are very big fish and are often dangerous predators. However, the benefits of the work that this little fish gives them are so important that they are willing to skip a snack to get a far more worthwhile cleaning service. Of course, the work of this fish is not purely ' charity for the community ', in return for the products collected when cleaning up is food for them. One side is clean, while the other is full, so the win-win situation is mutual.

Termites - expert destruction

Picture 7 of The most diligent animals on the planet

When you hear the name of this species, you will think of destruction. However, this tiny insect has a very important role in nature. Termites are also species that live in groups and have social organizations similar to ants. Among them, worker termites (white bodies) are the group of workers responsible for finding new sources of wood. They also have the task of burrowing in these wooden blocks and taking care of young termites. The soldiers are more mature termites, they have a yellow-brown body and a black mouth. Their main responsibility is to protect their herd from other enemies such as ants or competitive clusters. The termites with wings in the herd are responsible for dividing and starting to build a new colony. While termites are the horrors of every family, and every year people spend millions of dollars just to get rid of or limit their destructive aggression in the home, then in nature, they help break down the bodies The plant makes soil fertile and fertile and young plants grow.

Earthworms - hardworking farmers

Picture 8 of The most diligent animals on the planet

Earthworms look simple, but Charles Darwin has spent decades studying them and says they play a vital role in our world history. And Darwin is not the only one who appreciates the role of this species, but those who have been composting all know their benefits. Earthworms are wonderful farmers of nature, they work hard day and night with soil, so that the soil is porous, airy, makes water flow easily. Earthworm is also a nutrient source for soil because they are rich in protein, calcium and other minerals, which are an integral part of a healthy ecosystem. The presence of earthworms is a sign that a land is clean and healthy.

Emperor penguins - devoted parents

Picture 9 of The most diligent animals on the planet

Who has ever seen the documentary ' March of the Penguins ' - an epic epic of the emperor penguins - is completely conquered by the great effort that this species takes to maintain the race. like. In April every year this bird will make a full-time trip from the coast to the inland about 80 km away just to give birth. After the female lays a single egg, it will turn to the male to keep and return to the sea to find food. The male will now become a devoted father with the sole task of keeping the egg on his leg and using his body to incubate it during 64 days and nights until the egg hatches. (Those clumsy fathers who let their eggs fall to the icy ice will permanently lose their fatherhood.) When the young bird is just born, the father will feed them with esophageal secretions. until the mother bird comes back. When the mother bird comes back, they will change the care session and at this time the father will return to the sea to get food for the first time after more than 4 months of hatching. By December - the Arctic summer - ice melts to reveal the water surface, while young birds can swim and find their own food.

Honey bees - solidarity employees

Picture 10 of The most diligent animals on the planet

These tiny creatures are primarily responsible for a multi-million dollar business. Products from this species such as beeswax, honey, and their cross-pollination for annual crops have yielded more than $ 100 million in the US alone. The organization of a bee colony is like that of a large company, in which the chief executive is a queen. Her main and most important task is to increase the number of bees to ensure that her ' company ' always has a crowded work force. Worker bees will be responsible for earning and bringing back the nourishment of essential nutrients such as nectar. When they get back to the nest they will transfer what they have collected to another group of bees who specialize in honey production. This group is mainly female bees, they will ' chew' many times the number of nectar collected with the aim of eliminating the maximum water in it. This is how they make honey. In addition to producing honey, these bees are responsible for regulating the temperature of their nest. They worked hard all day without showing any discontent. Honey bees deserve to be named the hardest animal on our planet.