The mysteries that scientists cannot explain

Why do cows always move north or south, why humans dream are questions that do not have an exact answer.

1. How did the cat groan?

Picture 1 of The mysteries that scientists cannot explain

Cats often make a cooing sound when they feel comfortable but no one knows how they can. Even when the cats groan, we can't hear their heartbeat.

2. Where do some species come from?

Picture 2 of The mysteries that scientists cannot explain

Many animals have no ancestors. No one knows exactly how amphibians evolved from fish to animals because the first land animal had fully developed limbs and head.

It is thought that dinosaurs have become extinct after a natural disaster 65 million years ago. At the same time, mammals suddenly appear as if from nowhere.

3. Does the cow have a compass in the body?

Picture 3 of The mysteries that scientists cannot explain

Using Google Earth, scientists found 70% of the cows headed north or south while looking for food. This is observed on all continents in the world, regardless of terrain or weather.

4. What is glue rain?

Picture 4 of The mysteries that scientists cannot explain

An unusual phenomenon occurred in Oakville, Washington in August 1994. Instead of rain, jelly-like liquids fall from the sky, called glue rain. The next day many people suffer from flu-like symptoms.

Scientists found that in the rain glue solution there are two types of bacteria. One type is often found in the human digestive system, and the other cannot be related to the mysterious epidemic.

5. What is dark matter?

Picture 5 of The mysteries that scientists cannot explain

About 27% of the universe is dark matter. It does not emit, nor does it interact with electromagnetic radiation, so it cannot be detected.

The first theory of dark matter appeared about 60 years ago, but scientists have yet to give direct evidence of its existence.

6. How many planets are in the solar system?

Picture 6 of The mysteries that scientists cannot explain

Since Pluto is excluded from the list of planets, it is believed that there are 8 planets all in the Solar System. However, in the Kuiper belt outside Pluto there are thousands of icy objects larger than Pluto. Scientists also discovered a large distance between the Kuiper belt and some Earth-sized planets that sucked stones in the belt toward them.

7. Why is there a right-handed person and a left-handed person?

Picture 7 of The mysteries that scientists cannot explain

Most people (70-95%) are right-handed and less numbers (5-30%) are left-handed. Some do not determine which side to hand.

Genes are partly affected, but scientists do not determine which genes determine whether a person will be left-handed. The environment also affects this, for example, when a child is taught to write with his right hand, he becomes right-handed.

8. Why are giant animals extinct?

Picture 8 of The mysteries that scientists cannot explain

Giant animals have disappeared from Earth about 10,000 years ago. Some believe that climate change has killed them but there is no convincing evidence. Another theory is that they die from starvation.

9. Why do we have dreams?

Picture 9 of The mysteries that scientists cannot explain

Many people believe that dreams are random images and formed by brain waves. Others see dreams as subconscious desires, unresolved issues.

The study of dreams is now considered a science. Scientists believe that dreams symbolize what is deep in the human soul but no one knows exactly what it is.

10. What is the roar in space?

While studying new stars born in 2006, scientists suddenly heard mysterious roars. Although the sound cannot travel through space, radio waves can. So where does this roar come from? Researchers only know that those waves do not belong to stars or known cosmic phenomena.

11. Why do we have different blood types?

Picture 10 of The mysteries that scientists cannot explain

Different blood groups have different antigens in blood cells. But scientists cannot answer why else. There is a judgment that they are related to disease and immunity. People with type B blood are susceptible to E. coli, people with blood type O have a lower risk of death from malaria.

12. Thailand: 'Body of an indestructible child'

Picture 11 of The mysteries that scientists cannot explain
Over the years, although his body has dehydrated and dried up, his hair and nails still grow.

In Thailand, a small family with a son when he was 6 years old died. The couple immediately buried him in the monastery. A strange thing happened, since then the couple dreamed often that their son told them they were unfamiliar with the life in the monastery, so they took the boy's body home, and then they not having the same dream anymore. Over the years, though his body has been dehydrated and dry, his hair and nails are constantly growing.


Picture 12 of The mysteries that scientists cannot explain
The last time he ate and drank was when he was 10 years old.

An Indian man named Prader Jani, who has 68 years of age without eating or drinking anything, does not have to go to the bathroom. Jani had been in a hospital in West India to observe the test, causing 400 hospital doctors to be confused. According to him, the last time he ate and drank was when he was 10 years old. Since then, he has been practicing yoga to sustain life. Doctors said that although he did not eat, he still had urine in his body, but just after forming, the bladder was absorbed. Now scientists still cannot explain this phenomenon.

14. Shivpuri village in India has 'holy stone hovering in the air'

Picture 13 of The mysteries that scientists cannot explain
Just read the mantra, the stone will fly to a height of 2m.

In front of a temple in Shivpuri village, India has 2 holy stones, each weighs about 450kg, and only one person uses the right index finger on the bottom of this sacred stone, and constantly chants Large: 'Kumar - Alli - Daer Wei - period - period - period' , the instant rock like a living person moves up to a height of 2 meters above the ground. It was only until they chanted continuously and slightly until it was slightly different that it did not stop to return to the ground. As for the reason that could make it so, so far there is no reliable explanation.