The mysterious 'monsters' deep sea

The set of crustaceans is one of the most bizarre and diverse groups of creatures in the deep sea .

Picture 1 of The mysterious 'monsters' deep sea
Gribble seaworm .This species specializes in eating floating pieces of wood in the sea.They are also a threat to wooden ships.This species is gaining attention because the enzyme it produces in the process of digesting food has the effect of turning wood into sugar.

Picture 2 of The mysterious 'monsters' deep sea
Crab beans .This crab species lives parasitically in the body of mussels, pheasants, sea squid, and some other species.This species is also edible.

Picture 3 of The mysterious 'monsters' deep sea
Shrimp 'skeleton' .They have a strange shape with hook-shaped legs and delicate bodies.Children of this species also eat mates right after mating.It is human activity that makes this species turn to a new ecosystem and they reproduce very quickly.

Picture 4 of The mysterious 'monsters' deep sea
Floating oysters .This is the only oyster that has the ability to create a buoy for itself.They often wrap together to form floating oysters, and become home to many other oysters.

Picture 5 of The mysterious 'monsters' deep sea
Remipedes look a lot like a swimming centipede.They have a lot of 'fangs' that contain poison.They live in deep sea, in caves and aquifers.

Picture 6 of The mysterious 'monsters' deep sea
Whale lice .This is the largest arthropod that lives on the body of marine mammals.They cling to wrinkles, scars on whales and dolphins.They only eat dead skin and algae on their host animals.

Picture 7 of The mysterious 'monsters' deep sea
Shrimp pistol .This shrimp is famous for its killing weapons.Shrimp can create bubbles that can paralyze and kill small fish by explosions and pressure.

Picture 8 of The mysterious 'monsters' deep sea
'Deep anchor'.This is an animal of the sword magnet.As adults, this parasite may lose all crustacean characteristics.They can attack fish and other invertebrates.Some moth species can suck blood.

Picture 9 of The mysterious 'monsters' deep sea
Pram file .This is a predator in the deep sea.They have a bizarre head and a 'unlike anyone' lifestyle.When raising children, females often turn into a hollow tube to provide oxygen for their offspring.